blog:Lifestyle Archives | Faraz Auto Sales
Best Toronto and Niagara Falls Wine Tours While Driving Exotic Cars & Sports Cars
Do you love wine and also drive an exotic car? Drinking and driving don't mix well, but if you're planning on indulging your wine enthusiasm by taking a wine tour, why not combine the trip with a journey through some of the most stunning landscapes that surround Toronto and Niagara Falls? The area contains […]
Sports Cars and Watches: Which Make the Best Pair

Which Make the Best Pair? You may have noticed that most people who drive exotic cars have something in common: they like to wear nice watches. This is not a coincidence. Believe it or not, but these two objects are more alike than you may realize. Both the watch and the exotic car are […]
What Are the Best YouTube Channels for BMW Owners?
Owning a BMW is a sure-fire way to increase your pleasure in driving. But the BMW world can provide plenty more entertainment too, even when you car is sat in the garage. YouTube offers many channels devoted to different aspects of this premium brand and its cars, providing information and diversion for BMW owners in […]