150 Deerhide Crescent, North York, ON, M9M2Y6
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Sat 10:00am - 5:00pm
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New Tire Technology Amazes Faraz Auto Sales

New Tire Technology Amazes Faraz Auto Sales

While we offer a superb collection of high-end used cars to
drivers in the greater Toronto area here at Faraz Auto Sales, we like to stay on top of the latest automotive
technology. Even though our specialty is in pre-owned vehicles, we can't help but get excited about new technologies that will be coming to our lot shortly, and improve your experience behind the wheel. Today, we'd like to
discuss some innovative new tires would certainly be practical for all of

Until now, the standard way to check to see if you need new tires is to use a coin to try and measure how worn the tread is.

A new concept, the Discolor Tyre (that's how it's spelled using
The King's English), designed by Gao Fenglin and Zhou Buyi, has a colored
rubber underneath the black surface of a tire. When your tires are at the point where they need to be replaced, you'll start to see a different color show through. Of course, you'll also be able to spot and tears or
leaks in your tire this way as well. Both designers believe you can get 12,000
miles out of their Discolor Tyres before you'll see the

We think this advancement makes complete sense, doesn't it?

Of course, there are still a few hurdles for these
innovative new tires to jump through before we see them on the marketplace.
Still, we remain hopeful.

If you'd like to learn more car tips or about some
of the technology coming out of the automotive world, subscribe to the Faraz Auto Sales

In the meantime, you can stop in and visit our
showroom located at 96 Signet Drive in Toronto where
we'd be happy to discuss used car options with you and answer any questions you
might have.



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