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The Most Common Types Of Auto Body Damage

The Most Common Types Of Auto Body Damage

While your car is probably one of your most expensive assets, it’s also prone to damage when you climb behind the wheel. The type of accident incurred will determine the extent of the damage. Knowledge is power, and it’s never a bad idea to learn more about the most common types of auto body damage that your car may face in the future. Read on to discover more.




During the Paintless Dent Removal procedure, the original paintwork of the car is preserved, and re-painting isn’t required. Specialized equipment is needed to apply pressure to remove the dent. This method can’t be done if the paintwork has been chipped, if the damage is near the edge of a panel, if the dent involves torn metal, or if previous bodywork had been done in the same place. PDR is usually the more affordable option which can be done within a few hours. The car’s value isn’t affected as the original paintwork is preserved. 


Body Filler


More severe car body damage will usually require the use of body filler. This product contains polyester resin that hardens into a putty. This auto repair option can be used for cars with small to medium dents and holes or scratches below the paint line. Body filler can’t improve rusted or corroded bodywork.


Bumper Replacements

Bumper Replacements


Due to their location and purpose, car bumpers can easily become damaged during a collision on the road. Bumpers are designed to absorb shock and provide protection to the driver. Damage to the bumper might appear superficial, but consulting a professional is always necessary. A panel beater will assess the damage and is equipped to identify any internal issues. Bumper damage is one of the most common types of auto body damage.


Automotive Body Paintwork

Automotive Body Paintwork


Automotive paint protects the car’s bodywork and enhances its aesthetic appeal. The paint is applied in multiple layers, including a primer, basecoat, and clearcoat. Automotive body painting is a common type of auto body repair, as vehicular collisions can cause significant scratches in the paintwork. This type of repair can protect your car from long-term damage, e.g., rust and corrosion. 





Adverse weather conditions, such as hail and unforeseen collisions, are some causes of car window damage. Glass repair can be done if the damage is minor. A complete window replacement is required for major glass damage, i.e., large cracks. 





Proper car frame alignment is essential for safer driving. Your risk of collision is greater if the car’s alignment pulls to the left or right while in motion. Car frame damage isn’t always obvious. Even if your car is involved in a minor collision with no visible damage, it’s important to consult a professional to identify any underlying issues with the frame alignment. A frame straightening machine is needed for this purpose.





If your car has been damaged in any way, please consult an autobody repair professional in the Ontario area. Here at Faraz Auto, we’ll assess your vehicular damage and give you peace of mind.


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