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Tips for Maintaining a Classic 1967 Ford Mustang

Tips for Maintaining a Classic 1967 Ford Mustang

Maintaining the classic 1967 Mustang in good working condition is important if you want to keep it running well so it can be driven or displayed at car shows. When properly maintained, this car was designed to last long, ensuring that all fluids were properly inspected and replaced as necessary.


Here are some of our tips for 1967 Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500: 


Make Sure the Car Is Clean

Make Sure the Car Is Clean


Aside from the fact that cleaning your 1967 Mustang makes it look good, it can help you save money on car maintenance. You can prevent your Mustang's paint from corroding by washing the exterior regularly. Your car's interior should always be kept clean so that no junk piles up, which may damage the upholstery and the carpet over time. It’s important to regularly clean your vehicle to ensure that it looks great and remains in good condition for longer.


Inspect and Check the Tire Pressure

Inspect and Check the Tire Pressure


Inspecting the tires is one of the easiest ways to ensure that your Mustang runs smoothly. To prevent a flat, start by looking for sharp objects that may be buried in it, like nails or glass. The next step is to check the valve stems for leaks. You can perform a quick test by simply moving them back and forth together while keeping your ears open for air leaks.


It’s possible to perform a quick check on your tires if you suspect that there might be a slow leak. Spraying soapy water on a suspected leak site will confirm the presence of a leak. A leak will cause large bubbles to form around the puncture area.


Transmission Fluid Change

Transmission Fluid Change


Make sure you change your transmission fluid whenever your Ford Mustang maintenance manual suggests doing so. The mileage varies by model, so you should consult your owner's manual to determine when the fluids should be changed. 


Components of Lubricated Suspension


Bearings and rods of suspension components have grease Zerks. Every time your Mustang is serviced, the Zerks must be greased to ensure excellent lubrication. You can lose suspension components more quickly if you don't lubricate them. It can result in extra maintenance costs as well.


Change the Oil of the Engine

Change the Oil of the Engine


Maintaining your Mustang's engine oil is one of the most important things you can do. Thanks to the warning system, you'll get a signal when it's time to change the oil on most Ford vehicles. It’d be best if you got into the habit of listening to this warning sign and taking your car in immediately after it has appeared on the dashboard. 


The engine of your Mustang will have problems if its oil isn't changed regularly. An engine that runs too hot will cause components to wear out or warp, eventually causing the engine to fail. Your engine will eventually shut down if you don't change the oil regularly. If this happens, you’ll have to replace it, which will cost you a lot of money.

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