To Repair or Replace: the Ultimate Used Car Question
To Repair or Replace: the Ultimate Used Car Question
Posted on May 28, 2013
If you've owned your current vehicle for a number of years, chances are the maintenance costs are starting to rise. The time has come to ask yourself: should you
repair your car, or replace it with a new or "new to you" pre-owned
vehicle? Faraz Auto Sales has some tips that will help you decide which is more beneficial.
First, of course, it's important to consider your
budget, but don't wait until your car breaks down and you're forced to choose
one way or the other. Make sure it's in good running condition and look at potential repairs or part replacements you face in the short term. Is it more feasible for you to
afford a $200-300 car payment each month, or an $800 repair every now and then?
That's something you'll have to figure out.
Other considerations include tallying up how much
you currently pay in repairs and maintenance fees, and comparing this with how
much you would pay for a new car payment each month. You might also want to think about how making repairs will effect the trade in value of your vehicle. Also, check for recalls so you aren't
paying for repairs you can get for free.
Still have questions? View this resource for more detailed information: (,
or simply give [DEALER] a ring. We'll be happy to answer any
questions you may have and provide additional information about your best
course of action. Whether you decide to keep Old Faithful or buy a shiny used car that's
"new to you," we'll be happy to help!